The Emerald Forest

Because it Takes a Whole Village

Eden Rising

The Vision of the Emerald Forest

We want life to be free so it can keep on living forever and when we go we think that is an important part of the continuation of life and that needs to be embraced and not rejected. Towards these ends we will be creating the The Emerald Forest of Sustainable Communities.

Each of these new communities will have to be planted like a Tree. These Trees planted far apart at first will connect up and grow up to become the Emerald Forest.

This deeply rooted and self preserving Forest will stand long after the obsolete city based consumer lifestyles of the rich and famous have all dropped off dead and died and we will then slowly begin to reclaim the Earth as has been predicted by various native peoples.

Life itself needs to be renewed from time to time. And that time is now and we are the people. It may be our job to carry that life to the other planets and that will create the beginnings of a real habitat for humanity that is Universal in nature for the first time if ever in a long time and that may well be rebuilt in accordance all that really is Eco-Logical.


We should all be deeply moved by all this trueness and even honored to be able to take upon ourselves this most expansive vision and to be able to share in it as our own so we can to serve life in this way and to love without limits that gift is ours to give.

We will have every right to be glad we have not let the Earth down and that we have not died in vain. That is how we must begin to think and that is how we now must begin to act. We can no longer put need and greed first or we will be turning our backs upon the vision.

Life is like a Tree. We are all just a part of that Tree one way or the other and as luck would have it just now when that Tree needs to go into the full blown reproductive mode on us for the first time ever in this exciting new way we are not completely unable to understand what needs to be done.

The Earth seems to be making all the signs now that she needs to become able to reproduce her self. She may want to enlist our help so that she can transport her gift of life onto many other planets which may represent for her a greatly expanded new habitat for all her children so that in case this one planet goes down then life as we know it will not all be at risk. We are the most mobile parts of the Tree and we are the most capable of pulling something like this off among all live living things.


It is time now for us to take up the cause of the Universal Propagation of the Emerald Forest and to begin planting these uniquely significant Trees all over the world that are not to be controlled by dominator culture.

The Earth itself is like a Tree that needs to be set free and that has to be willing for some relatively small part of itself like about 300 to 500 people to start with to be able to fly free of the meaningless limitations of its own self imposed boundaries and to propagate itself as far away as possible and even with no accounting for where some of it has gone just like seeds in the wind from which we ourselves may even have descended.

We need to become able to move out and beyond this one small planet onto other planets nearby and far beyond the scope of this Solar System as represented by The Dove which flies way out there and comes back again with an Olive Branch which signifies a renewal of hope.

In the same way we may be returning to our own original homelands among the Stars where a large part of what we are may have come from with the good news that we have survived all the floods.

Universal Perspective

When we used to live in the seas the shoreline was once seen as such a huge obstacle that we would be forever contained within it. Now it is a place where even little children can now safely play. That was once such a huge barrier.

Many of our best people have died upon the shores of those deadly rocks who were paving the way for our future which is universal and must be attained at all cost. Over a billion years if you recall is what it took us to get over even that little barrier that we now consider to be quite an open and inviting place.

We have survived all the Floods. We have made it this far. We are among those who have survived the many floods. And you can see that we really did not become who we needed to be until we were able to move into this very new environment up here on the land to which we have now become quite accustomed. We had to leave the old environment to get into this new one. But what did we find? There was no food. There was no cover.

It was all very hot and then very cold but gradually we changed all that into a lush and cool green forest with a floor that is carpeted with moss and leaves and grasses and that is full of enough food and habitat and natural cover for all. How did that all happen? Who did that? We did that.

Life creates its own habitat. And we actually got started on it long before that time and the surprising thing is that we have been completely unaware of the process. And now all that needs to change as there is now so much work to be done if we are to continue onwards and outwards forever. 

In the Nursery

The only part of life that can carry the rest of life beyond just this one small planet now must prepare to do so for the benefit of all life on Earth and a whole lot of other places so that even if the Mother Planet does have to die some of her children of all different species will live on.

If we don't take care of this one little thing that our mother planet really does need us to do for her we will all have to pay the price of our own negligent incompetence which would be unforgivable.

Life either already is or maybe it should become completely universal which might be just exactly what we have all been missing and even though we may have spent a lot of time here on Earth we may never have been meant to remain confined to The Nursery Planet like bad little children who refuse to learn and to grow.

A nursery may even be a very good place for a small child to be kept for a short time at a certain stage in their lives but that is no place to remain captive for too long and there are those who would like to hold us all down within their oppressive dominions that both generate and run off of need and greed.

We cannot allow ourselves to be held down any longer by the needs of the thoughtless majority. We must escape captivity and get off this planet or we will all die. That is the real message.

We will all have to find a way to pass that life on down and set it free. And in return for that we will all have a life worth living and a gift worth giving to the next generation and then we will be able to offer something to our children and their children that will be worthy of our humble new beginnings which may be much more universal than previously thought.

Positive Futures

There may not be any positive futures here for us or anyone else or anywhere else except for the ones we create for the Children of the Emerald Forest and for our own self so we can leave a sustainable future for our whole community and for all life on Earth and this is all within our reach. We have just not been thinking like a Tree.

This one clear voice of Eden really does mean something and it does need to be heard so we can prepare to have a place in the future that otherwise would not even exist. We need to build the Ark and we may even want to become the new Adams and Eves of this emerging new world and the next one to come which may be where this one came from.

We really do seem to have a vision of mythical proportions opening up before us that really is fit to be lived through over and over again forever which may be what we have all chosen to do as we are now just beginning to do. This is just a taste of the meaning behind the ever expanding vision of the Emerald Forest of which Eden is only one small beginning.

Kindred Spirits

Other communities will need to be created at the same time so we must ask for immediate collaboration throughout the Americas and around the world. We must also try to link up with all other positively creative spirits who could rightly be called the Kindred Spirits of The Emerald Forest.

We should be deeply honored to be able to take upon ourselves this most expansive vision and to be able to share in it as our own so we can to serve life in this way and to love without limits that gift is ours to give.

We will have every right to be glad we have not let the Earth down and that we have not died in vain. That is how we must begin to think and that is how we now must begin to act. We can no longer put need and greed first or we will be turning our backs upon the vision of Universal Integration.

Earth Changes

Some parts of the Tree may expressly have been created just to extend life onwards. That may be what our true natural potential is.

We are all just a part of that Tree one way or the other and as luck would have it just now when that Tree needs to go into the full blown reproductive mode on us for the first time ever in this exciting new way we are too much like hopeless children are are almost completely unable to understand what needs to be done.

The Earth seems to be making all the signs now that she needs to become able to reproduce her fine self. She may want to enlist our help so that she can transport her gift of life onto many other planets which may represent for her a greatly expanded new habitat for all her children so that in case this one planet goes down then life as we know it will not all be at risk.

We are the most mobile parts of the Tree and we do owe a big debt of gratitude and this might be one way to pay that off.

It is time to build the Ark. We are now ready to venture onto the farthest shores of experience and that is where we may find that our Children's Land awaits our own newly enfolding creation of everything we need and all things that are good and right and that may quite possibly turn out to be the planet of our most ancient origins and that is our true home.

Positive Action

There may not be any positive futures here or anywhere else except for the ones we create for the Children of the Emerald Forest and for our own self so we can leave a sustainable future for our whole community and for all life on Earth and this is all within our reach.

We have just not been thinking like a Tree. This Vision of Eden really does mean something and it does need to be heard so we can prepare to have a place in the future that otherwise would not even exist.

We need to build the Ark and we may even want to become the new Adams and Eves of this emerging new world and the next one to come which may be where this one came from.

We really do seem to have a vision of mythical proportions opening up before us that really is fit to be lived through over and over again forever which may be what we have all chosen to do as we are now just beginning to do.

This is just a taste of the meaning behind the ever expanding vision of the Emerald Forest of which Eden is only one small beginning point of no return.

We must also try to link up with all other positively creative spirits who could rightly be called the Kindred Spirits of The Emerald Forest. Many Thanks for all the generous contributions that make this work possible.

Those who want to make a more significant contribution of something like thirty five dollars would be most greatly appreciated. In return we will send you the DVD and our publication as our way of saying thanks. - T


To Save the Earth