Frequently Asked Questions

Adam and Eve

Because it Takes a Whole Village

Starry Lake

How to become Self Sustainable growing Garlic:

All you need for Start up is One Acre of Land which is going to be, quite incidentally, exactly 43,560 square feet, and 1000 lbs of Organic Untreated Seed Garlic Bulbs to be planted about One Clove per square foot in late October or early November.

Cost: For One Acre you should be prepared to set aside about $2,178. for 1,000 lbs of Garlic/acre at $2.17/lb. which you should be able to buy at that price, by the pickup truck load, as that is about one load. And at that price your cost per bulb is about 30 Cents a Bulb, and if you pick the 6 biggest Cloves per bulb, you will be getting 6 big Cloves for about 30 cents, or about Five Cents a Clove.

That half ton of garlic is going to render about 43,560 big fat Cloves, for planting, and a lot of little tiny ones may be left over, and that you can give away to your friends, but that magic number of big Cloves, is quite coincidentally, just about enough for One Clove per square foot, since as we have said that is how many square feet there is, in an acre of land no matter what part of the world you might live in, and that needs to be planted with your very own tender loving hands, for best results, and you can do this whole thing in your spare time with just one hand.

What you get nine months later is about 6,000 lbs/acre, total, but then you will want to set aside about 1,000 lbs of that for your next years crop, since now it makes brilliantly good sense to become your own provider of Seed Garlic, since you are now just as easily in the Seed Garlic business, as well as the Food Garlic business.

That leaves you with about 5,000 lbs. of Garlic which you can begin to sell right after harvest time is over, which is in June or July, and that 5,000 lbs of Garlic, can then be sold in ten pound sacks for at least $43.60 a sack which is $4.36/lb or about 60 Cents a Bulb, which is more like Ten Cents a Clove, quite coincidentally, which will bring you about $21,800. per year each and every year therafter, on just one acre, which is just about 50 Cents a Square Foot in net returns, over and above what you will need to reseed next years crop. Living is a breeze on some of the best land in the world for breedin' and seedin' and kicking up your heels, all over the place, and that land itself might have only cost you about Ten Cents a square foot, or less, to begin with, just for the land, meaning that you are probably going to be able to more than pay for the cost of your one acre of land five times, over each and every year, at the very least, with just one hand, so don't get me started on the healthful benefits of Garlic.

Most other things that run on solar energy may take many years to pay for themselves. Garlic Farming is all solar powered, and it pays for itself 5 times over in just one year.

And this is all based on an extremely modest estimate, of getting only 6 Cloves per Bulb, which you know any good woman can double, when they get the urge, to start producing 12 Cloves or more per bulb at will, depending on variety, and the same thing is true of the very modest prices, we have talked about here, that you can get even much much more for it, if you've got the right moves, which means that any good woman can even double these figures, as well even twice over, without even blinking, when the mood strikes her fancy, depending upon your marketing strategies, and how well you can collaborate with the other members of your community.

We could even have a Garlic Growers Cooperative to support mutual cooperation in that regard, once you have gotten clear with T about what real membership in the community could really mean for the Earth and not just our own personal success.

Watering can be very minimal, with Garlic, don't you know, because it only grows during the cooler and the wettest 9 months of the year, when rain water is much more po-lent-a-ful. You plant it in late October or early November, and then it is to be pulled up and harvested, after nine months, at the end of june, or early july, just when the soil starts to get real good and dry, as it is going to be doing quite naturally in June, and July allowing you to avoid the problems of keeping the soil wet during the warmer summer months that will be just beginning to get bad at that time of the year, and then you plant again in late October or early November.

But what about having to sell all that Garlic fast before it begins to spoil? Unlike most other crops, most Softneck Garlic will keep for up to 9 months, depending on the variety, and so you will really have a large window of opportunity for the sales process to take place within. If one healthy mountain woman can sell about 14 ten pound bags a week, you will have it all done within 9 months, and that could easily be done at a good farmers market one day a week.

In short. You can do this with just one hand. You may have become a real hard worker, at planting time, sticking all those bulbs in the ground, with just one hand. And you may have to work real hard nine months later a harvest time, pulling the whole plant right out of the ground, with just one hand, which means you don't even have to bend over at that time, and you just yank them out of the ground and hang them up to dry in a shady place. But the rest of the time it is party on the mountain time, whether it is in the ground and growing, or when it is hanging up to dry, you are free to do as you please, with this job as you are your own boss, and you work your own hours.

Not only can you pay off the entire cost of your one acre, five times over, each and every year, but you might even eventually pay off your entire Homestead, 3 times over, and your All Solar Home itself, in just ten years, so don't ever say I never did nothing for you, in return for all that good lovin', that all came steamin' straight out of the oven.

On top of all that, you are gonna' be a hero, and you are going to look like a great big fat success story, as you explain, quite modestly, to the entire world, how you became self sufficient, and financially self sustaining, on just one acre of good land, and how you did it all in your spare time, using Universal Permaculture on just one acre, and with just one hand, and with a great deal of humility and respect, for the humble Garlic plant that is so old and wise that it knows how to turn sunshine into a real good tasting food and medicine plant, and that is highly concentrated food that is always in high demand, because it really does have a lot of good health benefits, as well as being just about the most important flavor enhancing ingredient in all gourmet cooking, and it is also a very local thing, which fits in with the locavore movement, where the buyers do want to buy it directly from the farmer, if at all possible, which is you, even if it costs a little more to be you.

You can do what you want with the $21,000. You can bailout the whole world with that. Just bring T the extra $800. if you would, along with your deepest gratitude, and I think his long suffering heart of gold will just have to be more than happy with that, which might be enough when combined with the deep loving satisfaction that comes from the knowledge that he was able to find, and to help just one more kind and worthy person in some small way, to reach full Greatness in self sufficiency on the land in Community, knowing that everything we do for so many other good people who we really do know, comes back to us at least 3 times over, when the bailouts of america just evaporate into thin air.

In this and many other ways we can all help each other to be able to make a good living off of our collective land holdings in the spirit of community, with more than enough and some to share. What about the parts that are not very useable? New uses may be found, but in any case it is all good food for the soil organisms who need to be kept well fed as well, just like our pets, and they love that stuff.

The projected cost of one of the early Farmsites in Eden really is going to be actually less than ten cents a square foot. And that is an amazing realization, that you could buy a square foot of good farm land with deep soil and free water for less than a dime, but this is still the deal that we are pushing for. If the projected Farmsite cost starts at just $7,200. more, than it would be without one, then the cost per acre is only $3,600. And that is for good flat useable farmland with water in close proximity to the homestead. All given to us by the Benefactors.

How much would a cubic foot of soil cost down at the garden supply store? And then you would have to have a place to put it. You would have to pick it up and drive it home. Here it is already in place and the space to put it on is another huge part of the deal. A good place in the Sun with deep soil and clean untreated natural mountain creek water is the whole basis of production within the new Green Economy. And that is what we are all getting. Solar Energy collection area.

Plant Production is the real basis of the Self Sustainable Economy. But land is not seen as being mere property here in Eden, as all that soil is alive and kicking with billions of the all important micro-organisms that make the whole soil based ecosystem work, and we see ourselves as being soil builders and land stewards. - T

The Voice of the Feminine

Learning from nature is just one small part of what could be considered to be part of the new ideal of the feminine spirit and not just to learn how to exploit having it or controlling it which is all we see going on today. This is just the sound of a new beginning. But this should be enough to get the right people started on their way towards a better way of life in Eden.

To join our group

just send a BLANK email to the address below and you will be instantly welcomed and received into our truly amazing group. - T

Natural Healing
Micro Economy
Human Scale
Village Foods
Self Funding
Child Centered
Vegan Village
The Earth
Work Parties
Mission Statement
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To Save the Earth

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